What is Mastery Group?

Mastery Group is where most of our clients begin their relationship with us. It is private paid membership community for law firm owners who crave accountability and are willing to do the work. With abundant coaching and unwavering support, we guide you through meticulous planning, strategic thinking, and vision crafting.

Foundational Concepts

Learn the principles that form the backbone of the Monday Map / Friday Wrap Process. Understand the power of self-discipline, the brain’s reward system, and how to embrace discomfort for growth.
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The Playbook

Discover the step-by-step guide that takes you through the Monday Map and Friday Wrap activities. This playbook provides you with all the tools you need to effectively plan your week, stay accountable, and continuously improve.

Cheat Sheet

Once you’ve grasped the concepts and practiced the process, our one-page cheat sheet becomes your quick reference guide. It keeps you on track, helping you maintain focus and productivity even during busy weeks.
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Our members are from all over North America

Join a welcoming, hard-working community of law firm owners.

Don’t just take our word for it

Hear from some of our members who are reclaiming their freedom and growing revenue.

The goal setting and strategic planning have been very helpful. I didn't have real goals for the firm prior to joining Mastery Group. The goal was: just bill more hours and make more money. I was focused on the billable hours I was doing each month but now I realize there is more to it than just the number of hours you are billing.

Betsey Lund Ross
Lund Ross Law

I really look forward to the quarterly strategic planning sessions! I wasn't so sure about taking a whole day off from the practice just to plan - but the level of clarity and focus I get from that day drives the rest of the quarter. I will try super hard never to miss one of the QPRs.

Rebecca Deming
ProVet Legal

I didn't have real goals for the firm prior to joining Mastery Group. The goal was: just bill more hours and make more money. Monday Map/Friday Wrap has had a big impact on taking my stress level from a constant 9/10 to a 2/3. I feel like I can handle my week, my day, when I have planned ahead -I am addicted to this now. It is an example of how a little planning goes a long way, not just in productivity but in how I feel about my time being traded for my work.

Drew Hickey
Bolen, Robinson, and Ellis, LLP

It is very helpful to be guided through thoughtful questions to consider about my firm, the direction of my firm, and my thoughts about my firm, setting goals and breaking those down into rocks and breaking my rocks down into action steps, and crunching the numbers to set specific financial goals. Also, hearing other members talk about their businesses and business goals gives me confidence to dream bigger for me and my firm.

Sarah Fisher-Otten
Fisher Law Firm

I never could have dreamt of the success my firm experienced this year prior to joining Mastery Group, but today I’m so proud to say I exceeded my revenue goal for the year! Nothing like down to the wire, but I set that goal and beat it!

Robert Botnick
Botnick Law Firm

Melissa's kindness, and not just Melissa, but the entire Velocity team followed up with me. They checked in on how things were going, if there were any changes or improvements, etc. Even the smallest follow-up meant a lot.

Claudia Revermann
Revermann Law

Join a community of hand-selected owner-attorneys.

We're picky about who we work with, and if you're a fit you should be prepared for a hands-on, personalized approach to helping you achieve your goals.

A bit about Melissa

Melissa Shanahan founded Velocity Work after several years at a consulting firm focused on the growth of private practices all across the country.

After coaching over 350 doctors, dentists, and lawyers – she chose to narrow her services to law firms only and started Velocity Work.

The host of The Law Firm Owner podcast and an extremely effective coach for attorneys running their own firms, Melissa brings her A-game to everything she does. Her energy is infectious and the material she’s teaching will forever change how you think.

From mindset to vision, to productivity, to tracking firm data, Velocity Work has helped hundreds of attorneys grow their firm on their terms.
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