Episode #
released on
July 28, 2021

June Sprint Lessons Learned re: Honoring the Plan

The Law Firm Owner Podcast from Velocity Work


“Delay is DOOM.” Sounds a bit frightening when we say it like that, huh? Don’t be scared; Melissa has your back.
This week, Melissa continues with the second batch of lessons from the June Sprint participants about honoring your plan. She discusses how even the tiniest turtle steps can make you feel better about your day and how there’s a difference between how long it takes to do something compared to when it gets done. It’s also OK to feel proud about the small things moving you forward and to take time away from your plan to gain focus and clear your head. After all, clarity helps you see further down the road.
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The September Sprint is full! Get on the waitlist for the October Sprint; the final Sprint of the year. https://go.velocitywork.com/sprint-1


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